What We Do
Standard Support
Softech's Standard Support agreement provides free maintenance, releases and expert troubleshooting. Expert technical support is available via phone during regular business hours
(9 AM – 5PM Pacific Time zone).
Extended-hours Support
Extended support is available as an extension to the Standard Support agreement. We provide both after-hour and weekend support.
Special Support
A number of IBM FileNet clients are running on older versions of FileNet that are no longer supported by IBM. For those clients, in the process of upgrading their old FileNet systems to P8 or migrating to another platform, Softech offers support during the transition.
Application Support
In addition to providing development support for our client's developers, Softech specializes in support for custom applications that were internally developed by clients or third party vendors.
Administration Support
Softech provides system administration support for clients who do not have an in-house IBM or Kofax system administrator. The support can be short or long term, and be delivered both remotely or onsite.
Softech is a certified IBM ECM and Kofax Support Provider, delivering timely, reliable and cost-efficient technical assistance to our clients.